Social Networking: Today and Yesterday

I do not think a day goes by when someone close to me does not make a reference to “Facebook.” Whether it be a reference to a new photograph “tagged” or a reference to a comment on someone’s “wall,” Facebook conversation has become apart of our every day lives. In addition to the Facebook addiction, other social networking sites have become viral. These sites allow users to stay in contact with friends across the globe, inform friends what is going on in their lives, and post their resumes in the hopes of obtaining a job. 

The number of social networking sites continue to grow and replace older ones. University at Albany Senior, Amy Kattan, New Rochelle, New York, has had Facebook since she was a senior in high school. She logs into facebook numerous times everyday. Kattan also has a “LiveJournal” account. In high school, Kattan used LiveJournal to write about her daily activities and to read about what her friends were doing. Now, she uses the online journal primarily to read about what is going on in her friends’ lives. Also in high school, Kattan had “Xanga” and “MySpace” accounts, but recently deleted both of them. After exploring the world of “Twitter,” Kattan decided to make an account. Apparently, Twitter dissappointed Kattan as she deleted the account a day later.

Similarly to Kattan, UAlbany Senior, Krystina Karp, Greenwich, N.Yalso recently created a Twitter account to see what all of the hype was about. While she still has the account, she never “Tweets” or logs into it to see what her followers and those she is following are doing. Rather, Karp perfers to luse the social networks sites, Facebook and MySpace. She has had both of these accounts since she was a senior in high school.

Unlike Kattan and Karp, UAlbany Junior, Neil Fins, Marlboro, New Jersey,  has a Twitter account that he uses to tweet his thoughts on a regular basis. Fins also logs into Facebook  to stay in contact with friends.

Kattan is not the only UAlbany student who has deleted his or her MySpace and Xanga accounts. UAlbany graduate student, Adam Girard, Glens Falls, N.Y. and UAlbany Junior, Amanda Brandoff both deleted their high school Xanga and MySpace accounts. Brandoff has had a Facebook account since high school. While she does not particularly care for Facebook, she keeps the account because all of her friends have one, so it makes it easy for her to stay in contact with them. Girard has had his facebook account since he was a Freshman at UAlbany and also uses the account to stay in touch with friends.

I am not surprised that all of the students I interviewed have Facebook accounts, but I am a bit surprised that not more students have Twitter accounts. Maybe this is because Facebook has created a way for its users to update others on what they are up to in a Twitter-like way. I was surprised that not one student I interviewed has a LinkedIn account. I think LinkedIn is a great social network website that will definitely benefit those who have graduated or are about to graduate college.

Regardless of which social networking sites are being used, one thing is clear: social networking websites are becoming increasingly popular and are here to stay.

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