Google Jumps On the Social Networking Bandwagon

It finally happened.

Google jumped on the social networking bandwagon. This is not surprising since Google is always on the cutting edge of technology. It is one of the top search engines on the Internet, if not the top search engine, has a way to send e-mails and instant messages, and even a smartphone.

On Tuesday, Google announced its newest project: a social networking website called GoogleBuzz. The website can be accessed through Gmail.

How GoogleBuzz is going to look

There are many elements of GoogleBuzz that makes it similar to Facebook and Twitter. For example, it will allow users to share pictures, links, and statuses with people in their network. In addition, those who use GoogleBuzz will be able to extract their activity from other sites like Picasa, Twitter, and Flickr.

GoogleBuzz has similarities to Twitter because it allows users to post blog updates. It is also similar to Facebook because people have to be “friends” with one another to view each other’s content.

Google maintains that the launching of this network was not to compete with other social networking websites. Rather, he suggests that all the social networking websites are becoming “cluttered” and that GoogleBuzz would solve the issue of cluttering.

GoogleBuzz is even going to have voice-recording capabilities! In addition, it is going to be GPS-capable, recording the location that a status was posted!

I think the most clever part of the GoogleBuzz is that it is going to operate  in the same fashion that the Google search engine functions. It is going to get rid of “bad buzz” and suggest “good buzz.”

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