Amanda and Twitter

This past week, I spent alot of time familiarizing myself with Twitter, and as much as it pains me to admit it, I am starting to enjoy using the program. I swore I would never hop on the Twitter bandwagon, in fact I was anti-Twitter for the longest time.

I have come to the realization that the best way to treat Twitter is as a source of information. Yes, I try to “Tweet” on a regular basis to let my followers know what I am up to or to share information regarding my life or news in general. But, this past week, I have started to use Twitter as a way to learn about what is going on in the world.


I have even found myself following major news outlets, such as CNN and The New York Times on Twitter, more often then I find myself reading the articles posted online on these sites on my BlackBerry. If a Tweeted story interests me, I click the link to get the full story.

The New York Times

Since I am using Twitter more and more, I am also reading more and more. My professors, parents, and people I know in the journalism world all tell me the best way to improve writing is to read. I am definitely improving my writing as I read the tweets of the people I follow.

This week, I plan to use Twitter even more effectively by following more people, and thus, reading more. I want to make my tweets more informal and not just about what I am up to.

I believe Twitter is a fantastic learning tool for anyone who wants to inprove his or her writing.

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