Blogs and Online Shopping?!

A few days ago, I went online to look at the new spring clothes my favorite clothing brand, Free People, is selling. As I was clicking away at the different pages to view the new spring dresses and skirts, the words “BLDG 15 blog” caught my attention.

While I have been on the Free People website many, many times, I had never noticed

Free People

that the website had a blog! . According to the blog’s archives, the blog has been published since October 2006! It is written by those who work for Free People. I guess I never paid attention to links to blogs or other social media tools until I began taking this class.

I still cannot get over the fact that my favorite clothing brand has a blog! As soon as I noticed the blog link, I clicked on it and immediately started to read! It really is a fantastic blog! Not only is it interesting to read, but it is fascinating to look at because it is interactive through quizzes, polls, videos, and links. The blog also provides links to the clothing brand’s Twitter account, Flickr account, a Youtube video that was filmed in the office, and a link to the brand’s Facebook page. If someone likes a skirt shown on the blog, she can click the link and is sent to the website to purchase the skirt! It criss-crosses online shopping and blog reading!

Even though there is a great amount of content on the website, yet, it is not overwhelming. The blog entires include those considered to be “lifestyle” entries or “fashion” entires. They are either about clothing trends, clothes that the brand just released, or things that are occurring around the Free People office. Pictures and links are published in every entry. The blog entries are not super long, which can be good for someone who wants to read the blog but does not have a lot of time on her hands.

I am so glad I found this blog. Its a great read that catches me by surprise every time I go to read its newest entry. I am really glad I found it because I am more up-to-date on what is going on with my favorite clothing brand. I am even following the brand on Twitter. I wonder if other clothing brands are going to start publishing blogs?

When it comes down to it, I think the “BLDG 15 blog” really hits the nail on the head. The purpose of blogs and other social media tools is to inform, educate, and spread knowledge. While the blog is not necessarily spreading the most important or education form of knowledge, it is spreading fashion information, proving that social media tools are of great importance and should be valued.

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