Facebook As A Method Of Contact

The main reason why I use Facebook is because I am horrible with the phone. I never


call my friends from high school when I am at school and I never call my friends from school when I am home for vacations.

I do not know if I am horrible at staying in touch with my friends on the phone because I am too busy doing many things or because I do not want to get into a long phone conversation or text message conversation. Regardless of the reason, if it were not for Facebook, I would not be in good contact with my friends.

For me, Facebook lets me contact a friend without getting into a long conversation. For example, my best friend graduated from college last year and now lives at home. Every time I am coming home for a weekend, I write on her Facebook wall, I tell her I will be around. As the weekend approaches, we then make plans via text message or over the phone.

Another example of how I use Facebook is that if I want to say “hello” to a friend or see how he or she is doing, I write on a person’s wall. This way, I maintain contact with friends without spending a long time doing so. For example, one of my friends from high school is extremely busy–busier than me! She takes 21 credits a semester, is in two singing groups, and is always practicing. Since she and I both have very little time, we write back and forth to one another whenever it is convenient, via Facebook.

This semester, I have found Facebook very useful because it has allowed me to keep in touch with my friends from college who are studying abroad in Spain, Australia, and Israel. Since they are in very different time zones, it is hard, and expensive, to get in touch with them over the phone or webcam. Facebook has allowed us to write back and forth to one another at a time that works well for both of us.

What I like most about Facebook is that it has helped me maintain contact with people who I might not have been able to stay in touch with. My Facebook friends include people from preschool, high school, college, sleepaway camp, my jobs, and internships, leadership conferences, and those who are just acquaintances. When I

The Picture That Led To The Contact

first created a Facebook account four years ago, I was “friended” by a girl I went to preschool with. While she and I never spoke on Facebook, she recently “tagged” a picture of us and some other girls from our preschool graduation. As a result of this “tagging” we recently all got back in contact.

I think Facebook is a great social media tool, if not the best tool. It allows people to stay in touch with one another, make friends, and disseminate news. I am curious to see in the future if another social media tool will be as successful as Facebook.

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