Social Media and College Roommates

My final project for class is going to focus on how many college students and those post-college use various social media and networking sites to find their roommates or apartment mates. Many friends of mine found their roommates through social networking websites such as Facebook, Urroomsurf or Craigslist.

Since I cannot film or write about a family member in my final project, I figured I would write a blog about my brother, Zachary, who is currently searching for a college roommate. He was actually the inspiration for my final project, so I think I should pay credit where credit is due.

Zachary is a senior in high school and is attending Binghamton University in the fall.

Zachary's Facebook Picture

He decided to attend Binghamton University when he got accepted to the university at the end of February. He was directly admitted into the School of Management and plans on majoring in Accounting. While Zachary is very driven, hardworking, and studious, he also happens to be a social butterfly. Everyone who knows him knows that he is always the life of the party.

For Zachary, finding a roommate is key because he needs to be living with someone who will study as much as he will during the week, but at the same time, will not mind having many people over to hang out or party. He needs an equal balance.

When I was a freshman, I was in the Honors College, and thus, was placed in the Honors Dormitory. This was a terrible experience for my because while my roommate was very studious and studied hard, she also partied hard and did a few drugs. She partied every single night of the week to the point I could not study or sleep in my own room. Zachary wants to avoid a situation similar to what I had.

Zachary has taken matters into his own hands. He joined the “Binghamton University” network  as well as the group “Official Binghamton University Class of 2014” and has actively been “friending” other incoming Binghamton University freshman on Facebook. He sends messages to these guys and has conversations with them to see if

they will be compatible as roommates.

In addition, Zachary also joined the Facebook group, “Find a roomate for Binghamton University’ 2014.” Members of this group have the opportunity to fill out surveys so other people can know about where they are from, what they are majoring in, which dormitory and type of room they want to live in, if they study, if they party, if they smoke, and what their hobbies are. This is a great way for Zachary to see if he has anything in common with these guys. If Zachary finds someone similar to himself, he sends them a message and begins talking to them. He is very determined to find his roommate using Facebook!

Using the social networking tool, Facebook, Zachary is going to hopefully avoid the problem I had freshman year with my roommate.

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