Will Twitter Replace Traditional News Outlets?

I have to admit, I was not thrilled when I was told that I would have to create a Twitter account for this class. I figured Twitter was another social networking fad that would soon fade into the crypt of social networking websites.

I honestly did not see the point in posting my thoughts or some other sort of information in 140 characters. I assumed no one would read my “Tweet” and I did not think there would be anyone out there who had “Tweets” that that were interesting, entertaining, or informative–I sort of just assumed that most people used Twitter to tell others what they were up to. I figured Twitter users told their “followers” where they were or what they were doing.

I never realized how versatile Twitter was until I started using it myself. As a result of using Twitter, I have become more knowledgeable and educated and much more up-to-date on things occurring in the world. I follow numerous news anchors, such as Anderson Cooper and Larry King. By following these people, I am able to get my news faster. What I like most is if a news anchor ‘Tweets” about something, he or she usually includes a link that allows his or her followers ((like myself)) to read more about the event occurring. Its almost as thought Twitter is a more concise news outlet that allows users to get even more information about an event or happening if he or she chooses to do so.

I am an avid watcher of Larry King’s show, “Larry King Live.” I have been watching his show since I was in the seventh grade. I do not think Larry King is a particularly good journalist–he rarely asks the guests on his show hard or controversial questions. The reason why I love watching “Larry King Live” is because he always has extremely

Larry King

interesting guests. His guests includes politicians, philanthropists, television and movie stars, and singers. If there is a high-profile case, he has someone involved in the case either such as a witness or lawyer. I love to see who he has on his show and often, I have planned things around his show so I would not miss one of his interesting guests!

I recently noticed a pattern with Larry King. He seems to always ask his guests if they are on Twitter or if they “Tweet.” If they do, he asks them when they started using Twitter and why they use it. If they do not, he asks them why they do not. Larry King also always asks viewers to “follow” him on Twitter and to send a “Tweet” his way if they have something to say.

I find Larry King’s constant Twitter talk fascinating. It seems like he is using it as another news outlet. Many other news anchors or talk show hosts have Twitter accounts. I am really curious to see how many people start turning to Twitter as a source of news and to see if  Twitter is going to become a dominant news outlet!

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