I Found It!

Blogs never interested me. I love to write and I love to read but I never really got interested in the whole concept of blogging. I figured no one really reads blogs, so what would be the point of writing my own? Also, if I wanted to know about a current event or something going on in the world, I would read a news website, not a blog. If I wanted sports commentary or play-by-play analysis of a game, I would visit a sports website. I guess I really never though I had a use for blogs–there was always a website that I could go to, to find the information I was looking for.

I’ve read hundreds of blogs about a variety of topics, but I never came across one that had me reading it religiously.

Then I attended the blogging conference in March at St. Rose College and realized that the blogging world is huge! I was so surprised to see that there was such an interest in blogging in the capital region! It fascinated me and motivated me to continue my search to a find a blog that I would read on a daily basis.

As a graduating senior, much of my time is consumed searching for jobs. I practically live on job boards and job websites. The other day is was job hunting on websites such as Monster.com and Craigslist  for jobs that involve a large amount of writing, such as reporting. I came across an advertisement on Craigslist looking for those who are “smart, pretty, and awkward.”  Thinking that this was an interesting and rather different advertisement, I clicked on the link and read the description of the job.

Smartprettyandawkward.com is a blog that has daily entries. Each entry includes advice of “how to be smarter,” “how to be prettier,” and “how to be less awkward.” All of the tips is geared towards young women like myself. The blog provides relationship advice, friendship advice, family advice, fashion tips, dieting tips, pretty much anything a young woman would be interested in. It also has links to different clothing or recipe websites.It also gives inspirational and touching quotes to live by. The blog is written in a light, funny, and cheerful way.

Needless to say, I have become addicted to reading this blog! Not only do I read the daily blog entries, but I also have spent hours reading the archives of the blog that have been accumulating since the blog started three years ago! I never know what I am going to find on the blog, and that is what keeps me coming back for more! I wonder if there are other blogs out there like this one….I guess I will have to continue searching!

Oh, and the job post was looking for a summer intern to write for the blog. It would have been the perfect ((and most amazing)) job for me, if it was full-time!

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